The small psychotic creature is named Beeble, hes a character I've been working on for quite some time really, initially, he had three legs, then I consulted Derek (one of my lecturers) who advised that it'd be easier in the long run to give Beeble four legs. I have never been more grateful for advice.
I incorporated my experimental project into the ident by using an extract for the background. As the quality of the images for that project weren't very good and rather shaky (I created my own line tester using a cheap digital camera, some wire and my book shelf) I felt that it'd be good to give the full impression of an old film being projected onto canvas.
With this solved, I still had no idea how to incorporate the Falmouth logo, until a friend of mine introduced me to Deadpool comics, and began explaining how the character often broke 'the 4th wall' which made him a lot more entertaining.
This got me thinking about breaking -through- my experimental animation. Flipping through all my doodles, I decided on using Beeble for his first real animation, and went ahead with animating him 'burtsing' through the experimental animation using flash. To try and incorporate the two different styles, I had Beeble attack the dragon as it heads off screen, only for Beeble to fail and fall off.
At this point, I had a flashback to Andys' lecture about stretch and squash: exaggerate, you'll be amazed how much you can get away with.
So I properly flattened Beeble as he hits the ground. It definately makes the clip more entertaining.
With the 'entertainment' done, I still needed to incorporate the logo. Black writing on a white background, yet my 'background' was black paper....I needed white. So, I turned to tv and youtube for help. I was inspired by some of the old MTV and Channel 4 Estings idents, where creatures usually dragged the logo into place, or produce the logo from a place. I decided to have Beeble puke up the Falmouth logo, emphasising the splat it made so the logo took centre piece on screen.
I met with Adam Aiken to help evaluate my ident at this point. He gave me the advice on animating the actual logo to make it seem more at 'home' in the monster puke. I went back to Flash, animated the logo and added little 'feeler' tentacle things to the main logo and had them wiggle about. I even added a few microbe looking creatures into the rest of the puke for good measure.
With that done, I proceeded to locate the sounds to go with my ident. I ended up using some free sound clips from FreeSFX and recorded my friend Beverly as the voice of Beeble. I compiled everything together in Adobe Premier and exported it.
While there may be some minor issues with the sounds not quite matching up, and a couple of jerky moments in the animation (particularily when Beebles biting the tail), but from what I've learned, people seem to enjoy watching it two or three times without noticing these tiny flaws, so I think I can announce this project, done!
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