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Wednesday 24 October 2012

Make it jump.

Its not Halloween yet, but we've been asked to make a square man jump, then react to something off screen. Not jump as in show him a horror film that could traumatise the little guy for life, more, jump as in hop to the side.

Managed to talk a flatmate into jumping about for a bit, only she kept jumping sideways. Seeing how I was pushing my luck in the first place I didn't try correcting her.

For the reaction, I decided to keep the 'plot' simple:

Square-dude is jumping at the same time as his friend (who is conveniently off screen) who then falls flat on his face, giving square-dude the giggles.

I used a HB pencil on this one (progress!) so you can actually -see- the animation this time. Pretty proud of the movements though for the laughing I feel he should move a bit slower at the end when hes 'calming down'. I remembered what we were taught about stretch and squash so I exaggerated the shape of the guy as he jumps (and prepares to jump) using my flatmates jump as a guideline.

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